Saturday, March 8, 2008

The ONLY Good Thing About John McCain

You've read it in the papers and the magazines, the right hates McCain. Well obviously not the entire right, actually the majority must like him for him to have became the only possible GOP party nominate. But there is truth to the statement that much of the right dislike him. He's not appealing in his speech, he doesn't have strong stances, and is criticized for not being a true republican.

I, much like other republicans around the country, am extremely disappointed in this race. I have become what Barack Obama calls a "Obamacan"--a person who converts from the republican party to Obama. I don't necessarily believe in his position, I believe in his character and faith in the ability to change things. The republican candidates turned out to be duds, I couldn't connect with even one of them. My sister, a staunch republican, always says that the worst republican in the white house is better than the best democrat because he will always do things in line with the parties beliefs. I don't know how much I believe that, I'm not even sure if I'll vote in this upcoming election. Not because I don't think it's important, but simply because I don't want to vote for someone who I don't like. Pretty simple.

The one issue that I disagree with Obama on and actually agree with McCain is on the war. Many people argue about whether we should have gone to war in the first place. I think this argument is irrelevant at this point. We're there and if we leave now, the result will be disastrous. McCain's ad on the war is actually insipiring so I thought I'd give him some props...just a little not a lot.

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