Monday, March 17, 2008

Really? Asking for Comments About Someone's Death?

Ok so I'm not picking on any specific site right now, but it does anger me when I read a blog post about someone's death and then at the bottom it enthusiastically asks for comments! Seriously? What is there to comment about? This seems like a true disrespect for the person who has just lost their life. Who really cares what other people think about this person's death? Certainly not the person who died and certainly not friends and family of the person who died. This is plainly just a way of exploiting their death. Lets see what people can say about this intersection where someone died. "Oh I've almost got in an accident there." Really? That's not exactly the same as someone dying and it's not exactly benefiting anyone to hear about that.

I understand that this is probably just the standard way to set up a blog by adding the comment feature, despite the content of it. Still, there ought to be some filtering of comments in some way. If I were the friend or family of this person I would be offended by the passing comments of readers about their death. It's almost disgusting that people want to comment about it. This is one of the downfalls of blogs as I see it, an inability to distinguish important matters from unimportant matters, and sensative topics from selfish entertainment purposes.

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